If a successful weekend can be measured by discovering "New!" snack food products — and if yours can, then maybe we can form some kind of lonely support group — mine was very successful weekend, indeed. One might even say deliciously successful! Etc etc.
One General Mills (Big G) new product can be considered a successful discovery by any measure, but three1 new cereals at once? In Australia, they call that "drowning the manatee" — true success with no downside!
I thought you might like to see what's new in these parts. Don't be surprised if these items wind up in a future Panic TwinRate taste-off...
Tried any of these snacks? Post a comment and let me know what you thought!
1 (You're right — technically, French Toast Crunch was introduced years ago. However, this radical redesign is far more than then starbursted "Great New Flavor" — it completely replaces the original FTC form-factor (crunchier, edged) with the traditional, more familiar CTC design (flat ridged wafer) — although, naturally, with new stenciling. Also, if I worked in foods, would I be able to talk like this all the time, but for reals?)
I'm waiting for the Peanut Butter Cup with Peanut Butter-Flavored Chocolate Crunch Inside Chocolate-Flavored Peanut Butter with Cookie Crunch. I think that's two cycles out.
I have to admit I prefer "Spicy Hot V8" to the original, but mostly with all this brand expansion, I just wonder while looking at the shelf 6-wide of a variety of Kit-Kats - what was in its place? Did regular Kit-Kat take up this 6-wide space?
Err, we do? First I've heard of it.
Cherry KitKats? French Toast Crunch? Time for a twinrate®!
I bought the chips and, on a whim, a jar of the pre-fab toxic orange cheese sludge ("hot" flavor) that Fred Meyer's upsells on the snack aisle (yes, fell for the product placement trick - i'm a whore).
The first few bites were nuanced, the next few were 2-alarm-ish, and well into the second suggested serving size I felt the sting of flavor betrayal. Not sweating, but bordering on uncomfortable. All in all, not a bad experience.
My Mom always told me it was wrong to call millionaire software dudes motherfuckers, but motherfucker, the way images clicked upon on your blog float up to full size is nothing more than magic to me, motherfucker. I've sat here tonight with my girlfriend doing it over and over again, while going over the source code, and the only explanation is that someone met someone at the crossroads and sold their soul. Hat's off, good chap!
PS: Before anyone comments, if it's really that easy to implement, why doesn't everyone do it? Thank you, Cabel for showing us how it could be done.
At the risk of sounding like a oportunistic shill, we have an ongoing taste test of Pocky and related snacks over at the Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration: Food Of The Gods: Pocky, Pretz & Pretenders V. Enjoy.
Not only that, but it is a completly different cereal! I'm mad now...
Can't find habanero doritos ANYWHERE :(
There's also a green green-tea KitKat in Japan.
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