
Macworld San Francisco 2006

Golden Gate Bridge
As part of our Apple Design Award prize last year (hooray, Transmit team!), we've been given a small kiosk at this year's Macworld Expo San Francisco.

While our general rule is to never exhibit two years in a row — it's not only expensive, but exhausting! — we're not about to turn up down a free booth. The entire crew will be down until Wednesday, and Steve and I will be staying until Friday. Hopefully, it'll be mellow, just hanging out with our award-winning peeps, chilling next to the Gaming Zone (?), answering your questions about Transmit and stuff and, yes, showing a sneak peek of the next update to Transmit.

Yes, we'll also have a (small) handful of shirts to give away. Just stop by and say hello.

MWSF, Booth #2407, all the way on the right. See you there.


Any chance for previews of a new app?
Anonymous Anonymous 1/06/2006 3:25 PM  
Anonymous, he mentioned that Panic will be showing off a new Transmit update. Sounds pretty good to me!
Blogger Dustin MacDonald 1/06/2006 3:31 PM  
I'm sorry in advance. No one likes a Grammar/Language Nazi...

...but I think it might be clearer if you said either "we're not about to turn DOWN a free booth" or "we're not about to turn up OUR NOSES AT a free booth."

I'll shut up now.
Anonymous Anonymous 1/06/2006 3:33 PM  
Noted, and gladly corrected. (Youre grammer... its great! Ho ho ho)
Blogger Cabel 1/06/2006 3:37 PM  
Hey hey,

I am digging the blogging, keep it up!

Also, the image popup thing is awesome.

Anyway, onto the real point of this comment, which is that I will be working the Apple Booth on Tuesday morning and as such, won't be able to actually walk around until mid afternoon sometime. Would it be possible to save me a size small mens shirt?

If not, that's fine. See you guys at the show!
Anonymous Anonymous 1/07/2006 2:08 AM  
Sorry I'm late with the congrats, but this is awesome!

Is there any chance of us getting hold of your RSS or Atom feed? :)
Anonymous Anonymous 1/08/2006 1:29 PM
Anonymous Anonymous 1/09/2006 2:18 AM  

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Name:Cabel Maxfield Sasser
Job:Co-Founder, Panic Inc.
Location:Portland, OR