Yes, it's that time of year again: I'm off to L.A. and E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo.
My first E3 took place back when I lived in Los Angeles, going to college. Strangely, although the technology and the games have changed signfiicantly, E3 itself is quite the same — explosive, brain-punching, and eye-breaking, but still really quite fun, like if Disneyland was designed by a monster truck. Usually, my annual E3 pilgramage (this year with Mike, Dave, and Afryl) is always a little more about re-visiting a city I genuinely love (really), and driving in the sun, and eating a lot, and going to weird / fun places, and having a guaranteed four day break from all of this new user-interface design work lately (not that I don't genuinely enjoy it), but this year the games just might take center stage — and I'm excited.
But first, I have a question.
I hope to post an E3 wrap-up upon my return, and give you guys a look at the show from, you know, The Cabel Angle (or "Cangle"). I've obviously got the basics covered: Wii, check! PS3 (and Metal Gear Solid 4!), check! DS games, check! Possible Rare titles for the X360, check! Kentai hall's hilarious cell-phone game brochures, check!
But what do you want to know about from the show floor?
If you have any games you'd like me to specifically check out, or if you're making any games you'd like me to check out (in the off chance that someone who makes games reads this blog — honestly, who reads this blog?), then please leave a comment, below!
I asked my nephews — ages 5 and 7, modern videogame masters — and they definitely had good feedback. (Quicktime - 8.21M)
Here's what I really want you to: Get one of the booth-girls to tell you how she got the job and why she likes it (or doesn't) on tape, obviously.
Bonus points for getting a booth-girl to discuss the finer points of her costume.
And what the first poster said.
Have fun!
Oh, and if you can find any info on any Yoshi games that would be great, but if you can't, it's ok! :P
I'd be quite interested to see if you can find any info on any Japanese madness. I love those Japanese with their crazy games! :)
Failing that, you should post on the best freebie you manage to blag yourself from the show.
Oh, and make sure you video some people doing funny moves on the, wii.
The more freakish disembodied hands, the better, so video that thang!
Fine indeed!
As for E3, just any mad Japanese shiznit.
If you're vblogging it's going to be great whatever you cover :)
The nephews are awesome, and I totally second the idea about the list of people who are 'getting a DS Lite because of Cabel's review'. You can sign me up! Nintendo might start sending you previews of stuff...
The video of the kids was also what I wanted... just didnt know how to say it better then them! ;)
Find out when DS Lite is coming out in Europe. If you do I would explode with glee.
Is there any part of the world at all that doesn't get there video-games before we do? :(
it may be too late now, but if you could just run around the nintendo booth shouting "KATAMARI DS! KATAMARI DS!" in the hope that it might one day appear.. that would be great.
Secondly: RED STEEL
Thirdly: Twilight princess
Fourthly: VERY IMPORTANT: Phantom Hourglass (zelda DS)
Fifthy: This might have been misinformation, but bring me the title of "Ye Olde Sidescroller!"
Any new info on this one would be awesome!
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