
Nintendo DS Lite Second Look

New! Sure, sequels are never quite as good as the original, but by popular request, here's part two of my Nintendo DS Lite video review!

I did my best to cover some frequently asked questions this time around. This includes the GBA cart slot stick-out, the comfort, the thickness, and, yet again, the brightness. And while my voice is somehow even more bizarrely whispered this time and the disembodied hands thing may doom me to a fence-guy-from-Home-Improvement future, I think you'll enjoy it. Thanks for all of your questions!

(And here's a lower-quality YouTube mirror for those of you having Quicktime trouble.)

Again, feel free to leave comments if you have any additional questions! Enjoy!

[New here? Don't miss part three!]


1 – 200 of 267 Newer› Newest»
God I miss those cereal, America is almost worth visiting just for those.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 11:12 AM  
What can I say...Froot Loops FTW!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 11:18 AM  
fruit loops! brilliant.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 11:22 AM  
Brilliant review. Saw the first one on Youtoob then got linked here. Keep up the amsuingly good work.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 11:28 AM  
How does the new stylus feel? Is there a need for a 3rd party retractable one? Or you gonna stick with the bundled one?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 11:45 AM  
I love your part deux . Its quite funny and well done. You should do more of them in the future
Blogger JCMR 3/09/2006 12:15 PM  
Hillarious, informative and most of all fun. I think I will have one to bridge the time until spore comes out :).
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 12:16 PM  
another very nice review. can't wait to get my hands on one of these guys.

there are rumors floating around about the cover for the game boy slot, and how it seems to have mysterious connectors inside. does yours have them? does the weight of the cover suggest that there might be some circuit parts inside there?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 12:37 PM  
dugg again:
Blogger Peter Hosey 3/09/2006 12:51 PM  
The reviews have been really funny and even video quality has been awesomealicous!

We want more!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 12:54 PM  
How does the brightness compare with the Micro's highest setting? Thats pretty much the only setting I use on my GBM because it looks so nice outside.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 12:55 PM  
PercentTwenty: There are definitely pins in the "filler cart" on a little board. But if you look very closely, there are no traces on the pins -- i.e., the pins are not actually connected to anything. So, without opening it up, I'm guessing there's nothing inside. I think they just wanted to make sure it really was acting as a "dust protector", by filling the connector.

Anonymous: The stylus feels fantastic, and is far more comfortable than the old one. So far, I'm stickin' with the bundled one, but I'll have to give it the Feel The Magic test...
Blogger Cabel 3/09/2006 1:01 PM  
I got liked here from Dude, I love your videos. They are funny and informative and I like you goofy geek style. If you got yourself a decent microphone you could do some regular video podcasts or something. Anyway, it was great to see the DS Lite in real operation instead of in just product shots (and compared to the old DS).
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 1:14 PM  
on some websites i saw pictures of the GBA slot cover, to be a ram card of some sort? is this true?
like the cover that goes into the GBA slot is a RAM card which provides better browsing and better
game play? if you could show some pictures of the GBA slot cover or explain this. that would be great.
my email is

thanks alot
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 2:06 PM  
how did u get urself a ds lite already? are u from japan?
and if u ordered from japan does the japanese version come
with english compatability? like show english letters instead
of japanese characters? im looking into getting the black ds lite.
what do u think? i think white would get dirty after a while. =\
any suggestions?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 2:14 PM  
I love you, Cabel. I mean, really. This is good stuff.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 2:39 PM  
Oh no, the dingus from the GAF is going to launch a DOS attack on your site! Heavens! Whatever will you do when the internet comes to get YOU?

Fruit Loops = Lolz
Blogger Alex 3/09/2006 3:04 PM  
how do the buttons feel?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 3:27 PM  
when will this thing hit the shelves in the US?! i cant wait!!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 3:28 PM  
How's the response time of the screens compared to the Micro, DS and PSP?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 4:05 PM  
I've been thinking about getting either a DS or PSP, probably used. Any suggestions? Common problems of the two?? Just leave me a comment on my blog:

Blogger stig 3/09/2006 4:21 PM  
Cabel, I must say, these video reviews are stellar. I'm tempted to ask you to review the other hand-helds mentioned in this Second Look film.

Kudos on a great blog!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 5:39 PM  
Great video reviews but there's one issue I would like to see covered. DSLite's DEATH mode VS PSP's brightest light mode.

I have a PSP and I rarely use it on that mode, I am just curious of the difference.
Blogger mrEkli 3/09/2006 6:02 PM  
great reviews, i was wondering how the buttons feel, Do the a,b,x,and y buttons feel the same as the original ds (clicky)? Or are they like gamecube buttons (the more traditional)?

Also it seems like it takes much longer for the ds lite to turn on. I also dont know if I'd be comfortable holding the ds lite the way you suggest it, i love holding my old ds up against it. The sides on that are pretty smooth. Just wondering how its working out.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 6:29 PM  
With this follow up review, this site is quickly becoming my favorite site to visit. I hope that you continue your video reviews with the ame style and humor as the DS review. Congrats on all of your new viewers.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 7:18 PM  
super awesome!

I smell a videoblogger, and he smells good!
Blogger Sharelle 3/09/2006 7:23 PM  
Let's see the DS Lite at full brightness vs the PSP at full brightness, please.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 7:33 PM  
woot, i definately can't wait for this to reach NA :)

to Anonymous I'm guessing he either lives in japan or imported but to answer your other q's, YES it does work here, you just have to change the language setting to english and about the RAM thing, thats an entirely different thing than the GBA slot cover, but there WILL be a Lite version that will be small enough to fit properly in the DS Lite. Lastly, there is no Black DS lite, but there is a dark blue.


AWESOME REVIEW.... but honey bunches of oats >>>>> fruit loops. Im sorry.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 7:59 PM  
Hi! Great review. Some questions... Is the hinge nice and tight now? also one of my DS touch screens is really sensitive to both the stlyus and my thumb, but another one barely responds to my thumb at all (imagine giving a finger print) Is the lite this way or is it responsive no matter what?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 8:57 PM  
Cabel, what's your name in mario kart on wifi? I'm Soundboy, watch for me! Also are you a snaker? I'm not...
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 9:34 PM  
Nice review.. again!

Only question I have.. How does the audio compare for the Lite vs. the Original? Sound just as good? Better? Worse? Any noticable difference at all? Thanks!

Keep up the good work!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/09/2006 10:00 PM  
I'm surprised no one has asked this!

Did your DSl come with a wrist band like the original DS did? Also, does said wrist band (if tangible) have the same little nub for games like Metroid Prime: Hunters?

I've gone through a crapload of "First-Look!" and "DSl Reviewed!" sites but found nothing on thiiiis.

Finally, awesome video, not only is the quality really amazing (what did you tape it with, anyway?) but the whole thing is very professional and nicely put together... like the DSl :P

Hasta Luego
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 12:08 AM  
Wow, that was amazing. Cabel, you've got to be just about the most charismatic person in the world. I didn't see part 1, but I loved this one.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 12:16 AM  
Awesome man. Tell us, was that the first take?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 2:15 AM  
PLEASE make a video showing the brightness of the DS lite compared to the PSP, which apparently you have on hand...

This would be a great help (even though i already own 3 DS's and a PSP, it'd still be cool to see the brightness of a PSP challenged).

Oh.. Why not do a gameboy advance SP or the "enhanced brightness" SP?

Or a Sega Nomad? -jk

Again.. AWESOME vids, I enjoyed the fruit loops.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 3:26 AM  
Fantastic coverage! If I was even waffling a bit on the DS Lite, I'm not now.
Blogger Lestrade 3/10/2006 4:49 AM  
Fantastic job Cabel! Your reviews are a joy to watch.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 5:06 AM  
Great review cabel! I hope you do more of these!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 5:56 AM  
The "confetti" at the end is absolutely hilarious. More importantly though, you've done a great service to the DS gaming community by showing the system in action and not just through screenshots, which - while always informative - aren't nearly as hands-on.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 6:35 AM  
You sir, are a genius. Really, this must be the best video review I've ever seen!

I need one of those DS lites, too.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 7:42 AM  
Arrgh DS is sooo sexy ! And ahem the fruit loops are great but the cereals that I miss the most are the Lucky Charms ! We can't find them in France >_<;
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 8:50 AM  
Any word on the refresh rate? I've played an enhanced SP and the refresh rate is terrible. I'm hoping it's either better or no different than the original DS. Can we get a confirmation on that?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 9:19 AM  
Wow, genuinely amusing commentary. Two thumbs up, I just bookmarked your page!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 9:30 AM  
That was awesome, thanks for taking the time to do this for gam0rz everywhere. Your hosting style reminds me of Alton Brown on Food Network :)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 9:31 AM  
wilson wilson would be proud
heidi-ho neighbor
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 9:31 AM  
I'd also wish to know more about the DS Lite strap thumb. Thanks or the vid.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 10:08 AM  
I too would like to see the DS Lite compared to the micro's brightness. The micro's screen is awesome.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 10:28 AM  
hahahaha, fruit loops!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 11:13 AM  
What is the battery life of the lite compared to the original DS?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 11:37 AM  
Is there any difference in the audio quality? They speakers have to smaller in the Lite, don't they?
Blogger Tim Briscoe 3/10/2006 11:48 AM  
Excellent work. Liked the mysterious hands and the off-camera voice.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 12:38 PM  
I think Gamespot is looking for some people to review son stuff and scince there reviews are more or less pointless driple would be cool if you worked there
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 1:06 PM  
Fantastic review! I hope a lot of companies start sending you items to review.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 1:36 PM  
Excellent review on the DS lite!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 2:31 PM  



more reviews plsktnx
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 2:54 PM  
Extremely well done reviews. Entertaining and informative.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 3:51 PM  
I loved this video so much that I made a GIF of it. <3
Blogger Nick 3/10/2006 3:52 PM  
Great review! Look forward to your next one!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 4:25 PM  
I know this has been asked already but how does it perform outside in the sun? The DS is for the most part un-playable even if you a kinda inside (like the car or under some shade or something.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 4:59 PM  
Cabel, congrats on your outstanding reviews. I'm seeing your name all over the place all of a sudden...Digg, Joystiq, TUAW. I'm jealous of you cousin...can't wait to get my hands on a DS Lite myself. After watching your videos, I can't bear to play my old, dim, pedestrian electric blue DS again. Bring on the death mode!
Blogger Ava's Dad 3/10/2006 5:13 PM  
Cabel, you should quit Panic and just do awesome reviews such as this one. Ok, so you really shouldn't quit Panic. Transmit and Unison are too cool of apps. Seriously, you should create more of these. Perhaps a PSP review? I know it's been out for a while, but tell us what you think. You're a smart informative guy, share that insight and knowledge!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 9:07 PM  
PLEASE- Can you do a video showing how well the screen records while playing a game? I wanna get a DS Lite just so i can finally get some good video footage of my Animal Crossing village.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/10/2006 11:41 PM  

As a PSP owner I have really noticed and been displeased screen ghosting. You have the nice, big, good looking screen but its ghosts like crazy in certain games and really ruins down the experience.

Do the DS lite screens suffer from any ghosting problems at all??
Anonymous Anonymous 3/11/2006 1:39 AM  
Can you another review, where we can see how de DS Lite feel when you play a game?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/11/2006 2:20 AM  
You must own a lot of stuff. I would love for you to show off your handheld collection some day.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/11/2006 4:53 AM  
How's the screen compared to the PSP's?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/11/2006 6:43 AM  
Compare the stylusses :)
hilarious reviews
Anonymous Anonymous 3/11/2006 6:51 AM  
Wow, I watched this like five times before I noticed him say "GBA Lite" after he shows WarioWare Twisted in it.
Blogger Nick 3/11/2006 11:23 AM  
Aussie-Nintendo have screen brightness comparisons for DSLite vs. PSP and DSLite vs. GBM.

Anonymous Anonymous 3/11/2006 4:01 PM  
Thank you for your second movie!! Nintendo released the NDS Lite of the new color in Japan. Enamel Navy color is really cool :-).
Blogger Kenichi Yoshida 3/11/2006 8:10 PM  
Then we're all waiting for the Third Look :-P Where the button feel and psp vs ds lite brightness will be revealed.

You make video reviews in top class and by far the best ds lite vids on the net, so why not :-) We all enjoy drooling over the ds lite so much.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/12/2006 4:37 AM  
Excellent review, superb and it couldn't have been better.

I agree with the other commenters that a PSP vs. DSLite would be scrumptuous.

However, being rather practical at that, how do you charge the damn thing? It charges through a new connector, am I right? And if you got it straight from Japan, I imagine it came with a Japanese charger. How did you recharge the battery?

And while I'm on the battery issue: how does it hold up with all that star-brightness in your charming "death" mode?

Keep up the reviews, and your site. Love them both.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/12/2006 1:19 PM  
Good job comparing the two. You answered alot of questions I had about the difference between the two systems.

I am most certainly going to buy a DS Lite when they become available in the US.

Thanks again for the awsome review!
Blogger JustJay 3/12/2006 1:21 PM  
CJN Japan & US have the same chargers.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/12/2006 5:22 PM  
I was wondering about the buttons on the right side, are they larger than on the original DS? I think the present ones are quite small.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/12/2006 6:18 PM  
brilliant! thank you.

i laughed and was informed.

all i could ask for.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 12:34 AM  
u rok!!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 1:21 AM  
You're really funny man, +good review. One last thing I ould have done is a durability test, but if it's anything like an iPod, I wouldn't dare try it.
Blogger LavaHot 3/13/2006 1:40 AM  
lavashot: No we dont need a durability test. It's a Nintendo handheld. That should say it all. I am a little concerned it might scratch however.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 2:20 AM  
great review mate, though i'd like you to compare it to the psp a bit more (screen brightness/angles)

cheers :)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 2:42 AM  
great review man. one of the best vid reviews ive seen in a while.

Good humour too...loved the fruit loops...rofl!

Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 4:23 AM  
THE GREATEST REVIEW EVER! thanks for it...
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 5:49 AM  
dude's kinda creepy, but the froot loops were great.
Blogger thewebguy 3/13/2006 6:24 AM  
Wonderful video!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 6:27 AM  
Yeah.. I Like Froot Loops too. Lucky Charms are even better, Too Bad you can't get them in Holland :(
Ow Btw. Very Nice vid. Review. Well done Mate o_O
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 6:35 AM  
Your voice sounds like what Jeff Goldblum would sound like if he wasn't a jackass.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 6:47 AM  
Can you play American games on the system? Is there any kind of limitations where if I was to purchase a Japanese verison now that I wouldn't be able to play American games?

Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 7:23 AM  
Thanks for the review, really made me considerpurchasing one of these things. Cheers.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 8:02 AM  
Absolutely hilarious! AWESOME review... I was rolling on the floor with the fruit loops lol!! :-)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 8:07 AM  
this is the most entertaining videogame review i had seen in awhile....

2thumbsUp d-(^_^d-)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 8:33 AM  
haha, great review
Blogger Awfulshot 3/13/2006 8:43 AM  
This is an excellent review. Your going on my blogroll and I can't wait to read (or should I say watch) more of your reviews!!!

Keep em comin!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 8:44 AM  
eheheheheh very funny! thanks for the entertaining bit-o-media
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 9:15 AM  
Recently I watched The Fly again and yeah he does sound like jeff goldblum :)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 9:32 AM  
Good work, thanks!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 9:46 AM  
You remind me of Alton Brown, from Good Eats

Very well done review. :)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 11:37 AM  
as many people have said before.... battery life comparision? also, the charge time?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 11:59 AM  
Dude that was funny. Using fruit loops on every bit would make the reviews funnier every time.-Mike
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 12:04 PM  
Cable -- which do you play more the DS or PSP?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 12:30 PM  
fruitloop confetti was hilarious

but when you started to drivel over messing it up you soured the joke.

try a more abrupt take on embarassement
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 12:34 PM  
the dude from homeinprovement was Wilson... but yeah.... now your video revies willl ahve the signature fo Disembodied voice and hands XD
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 12:36 PM  
You should try podcasting
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 1:38 PM  
The fact that you just threw Fruit Loops on your Lite was just... just... great.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/13/2006 9:11 PM  
I want it. I want it. I want it.

Seriously, I've never been into games but this little gizmo is truley amazing
Anonymous Anonymous 3/14/2006 3:09 AM  
Thank you for those video reviews, probably the best video review of any product that I've ever seen. ^_^
Blogger melanieann 3/15/2006 12:05 AM  
Magnificent,this is much better than the first review...prefect!

about the stylist-pen,i heard that its taller,is that right?

1 more thing,when u turned on the two DSs at the same time,I noticed that the old DS showed the screen before the ds-lite with half-a-second,am I right? I being stupid?

and thank u so much ^.^
Anonymous Anonymous 3/17/2006 7:24 AM  
You my friend, are king! Your review was really entertaining :)!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/17/2006 8:51 AM  
Wow. Your reviews are awesome. :D
Do more? <3
Anonymous Anonymous 3/17/2006 9:07 AM  
Great reviews really, especially love the ending on this one.

It would be a more.. interesting comparision to compare the ds lite's screen to the psp's screen though!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/17/2006 11:19 AM  
Hi Cabel. Hope you read this.
I don't have a DS and I haven't found an answer for my question. Can you (or anyone here) help me? The question is: Can Nintendo DS (Lite) play music (or other things) while it's closed? I'd like to use it as a music player as well :)
PS: Cool video. I laughed with that impressive end!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/17/2006 3:12 PM  

oh, i want to know about the touch screen, like is it any diffrent, and could you tell us aobout how much lighter it feels, than the frist DS?

thank you
Anonymous Anonymous 3/18/2006 6:18 PM  
wow you are funny! i lol'd when you did the 3-d thing and the "i'm gunna stop doing this" thing. hehe...
Anonymous Anonymous 3/18/2006 10:34 PM  
Wow. This video may have gotten me hooked on your blog. Maybe. I sense an upcoming career in vlogging for you. (P.S. I got here from joystiq. They think you should do video reviews for Gamespot.)

Nice work. I envy the number of systems you own. Can't wait 'till I can buy a DS Lite of my own -- the (somewhat unexpected to me) redesign is exactly why I was stalling on buying a DS.

I'm still kind of curious for more comparisons -- battery life, refresh rate, sound quality, PSP/Micro/SP+ brightness, and so forth. Also, how're the ergonomics for touch-screen intensive games? The thought of using the screen in place of an analog stick is one of the things that's been making me balk at buying a DS to begin with.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/19/2006 11:18 PM  
wow, this is my first time to come to this site and it's awesome! i love ur vedios!

i am just curious about the battery life, and the sound quality for the ds lited. for the speakers, how loud can they go? also, comparing a psp and a ds lited, which one is brighter?

well,if u can make a vedio that's comparing a psp, ds, and ds lited, that would be great! thank you!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/20/2006 6:38 PM  
where is the cheapest place for me to get a nintendo ds lite from if im in england but have acess to the internet?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 10:40 AM  
good job!!!awesome Nintendo DS Lite video review!!!!!! ;)
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 7:31 PM  
good job!!!awesome Nintendo DS Lite video review!!!!!!:):)!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 7:34 PM  
good job!!! awesome Nintendo DS Lite video review!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 7:37 PM  
To The Maniac:

The DS lite is a non-regional sytem, meaning that there is no "Japanese version". The DS lite that is on sale in Japan now is the same thing as the DS lite that will be released here sometime around September(don't quote me on that). The DS lite itself has language settings, so when you get yours, just make sure to set it to English. That's for language. For games, the system will play what is on the cartridge, so it won't have a problem with "American" games. Besides, if the game says DS and is a 1" by 1" square cartridge it is designed to work in the DS lite to begin with.

All in all, the DS lite will play your "American" games, which probably aren't as American as you think. If you are still unsure, let me say this: THE DS LITE IS THE DS WITH A NEW SKIN, IT IS NOT A NEW SYSTEM! Based on that statement, the DS lite will behave the same way as a silver "X-Wing" style DS.

Again, there are no regional differences in the DS lite. There is not a "japanese version", they are all the same.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 7:47 PM  
By the way Cabel, your review left me with a desire to know everything there is to know about the DS lite!

I have a printout of it hanging in my room!

I know it sounds retarded, but I don't care. I can't get over it. I even offered to pay my friend to get me one when he goes to Japan this June, but I don't know if I can wait that long after watching your reviews! I am 100% SOLD!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 7:56 PM  
You're from Panic? No wonder your review was glowing with greatness!

Ha, keep it Mr. Sasser.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/21/2006 8:39 PM  
Cable, i think its time for revieuw number 3......
Anonymous Anonymous 3/22/2006 1:22 PM  
Great review! Perhaps I was wrong about this toy ... always had the feeling that touch pad for the gaming is not a good idea. Thanks for the info
Blogger Unknown 3/24/2006 7:29 AM  
Awesome review lad! The DS Lite looks brilliant in all ways, especially the new hinge! My old, soon to be extinct, DS had a hinge that was especially floppy. I only have one request...just how much better is battery life?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/24/2006 7:57 PM  
How do you go about changing the language? My DS lite showed up while I was gone and my little bro opened it and I think you make the language declaration right away the first time you power up. Well he must have chose Japanese because I can not get it to switch. All that comes up is a keyboard screen that looks like it wants me to enter player info in Japanese. Is there a reset button?

Anonymous Anonymous 3/24/2006 11:39 PM  
Nice cabel! could you do one more review and show the gameplay. i wanna see what it looks like! thanks!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/25/2006 9:57 AM  
please please please please please
Anonymous Anonymous 3/25/2006 10:09 AM  
Let's see the DS Lite at full brightness vs the PSP at full brightness, please.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/25/2006 10:17 AM  
anybody wanna tell me when the DS Lite is coming out?
cuz i kinda wanna know.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/25/2006 8:07 PM  
UNknown yet..

cabel please do a new vid.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/26/2006 6:39 AM  
Man, your review rules! You should definately do some more! My m8 has been on and on about the ds lite for ages and i didn't think much of it but now i sooooooo wanna get 1! I'll probably get a revolution first though...
Anonymous Anonymous 3/26/2006 11:36 AM  
why have you got so many consoles..thats amazing...where do you get the money.I've finally bought the ds and am quite happy with it.... a few weeks later i have the ds lite slapped in my face. now i want one of them.where is the justice in that?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/26/2006 12:33 PM  
I loved your review, can or did you do this for the micro? or the psp?
Is the stylus any longer/bigger?
And one last thing I saw many pics from other sites with the Nintendo Ds lite looking different.
Is this the most current design? I mean the original DS's design was a bit different than what it looks like today.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/26/2006 2:51 PM  
i must say, i have never found a mix of such great information with a twist of comedy before, so u rock just for that. also, did nintendo decide to add the feature of backwards compatablity beyond the GBA and go back to the old school game boy color cartridges, cause i still have some games i like to play on that system. uhhh, i guess i have to ask will there be a multicolor launch for the us, cause some kid said something about a black ds lite?? and all i know of is the white one. and ive heard the battery life is redonkulous like up to 19 hours plus, is this true? well im going to shut up now cause this is a long comment, and u r probably going to kill me for asking such a large number of questions.

Anonymous Anonymous 3/26/2006 7:33 PM  
I just got my DS lite about a week ago and didn't open it until yesterday lol. I watched your review before I opened it and it was exactly as you said. I'm really enjoying my DS lite.

Thanks for the review!!
Anonymous Anonymous 3/27/2006 1:09 AM  
Would like to have similar presentation of difference between the original stylus and the DS Lite stylus. Bigger and thicker sounds better but would like to know how it feels.

Also how is the DS Lite thumbstrap for playing compare to the thumbstrap on the original DS.

Anonymous Anonymous 3/27/2006 11:23 AM  
Responding to Travis:

The black DS lite you heard of is actually navy. The battery life on low brightness is an estimated 17 hours. On DEATH it is 7 hours, the same as the original DS.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/27/2006 4:36 PM  
Ok Cabel,

Admit it, you are Oobi!

For those of you who don't know who/what Oobi is 1. Google it 2. Watch it.

Cabel = Oobi

Anonymous Anonymous 3/27/2006 8:49 PM  
How is the audio quality? The original DS's speakers were not very good.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/29/2006 5:21 AM  
Is there any idea on things like the price or the battery life, which I'm sure is affected by such a bright screen?

Hilarious videos. I love your regal winner voice lol
Anonymous Anonymous 3/29/2006 2:53 PM  
hey ive heard that you can now get on the internet with the ds and that you could even get radio?!?!? probobly just a rumor but if you feel like telling me no be my guest. is the sound quality better either? and could you post a pic of the frontal area where the ds cartridge goes?... id like to see the plug in's and little squares next to it
Anonymous Anonymous 3/29/2006 9:52 PM  
how does the slidder switch work? does the ds lite shut down when u change settings like it used to in the orignial ds or what?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/30/2006 10:23 AM  
Does the DS Lite retain all the features of the original, or did they have to let some go in order to keep it small?
I read somewhere that it doesn't work with WFC, is this true?
Anonymous Anonymous 3/31/2006 2:46 PM  
what was that cartrage in the gba slot?where did you buy your ds lite from?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/01/2006 5:25 AM  
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Blogger Unknown 4/02/2006 7:40 AM  
Does it have a web browser? Cuz if so, i'm sold!
Anonymous Anonymous 4/02/2006 2:10 PM  
how much is it?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/02/2006 5:55 PM  
i had heard that the charger on the original ds doesnt work on the lite and since it just came out of japan it has a charger fit to a japanese outlet THEREFOR.... how do you charge it?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/02/2006 8:56 PM  
Thank you, I am now convinced to get myself yet another Nintendo system...and nice touch with the fruit loops!
Anonymous Anonymous 4/02/2006 9:44 PM  
can you compare the ds lite screen to the psp screen. also can you show it out side because with my psp when im outside when its light out i cant see the screen.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/03/2006 5:24 PM  
Great review technique. The DS Lite looks great and I may have to consider buying one, although I'm a PSP fan.

I just can't get over how great your video review is. You deserve your own TV show.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/04/2006 2:52 AM  
I Might get a DS light and a PSP I already have 3 DS's and a PS2
Anonymous Anonymous 4/04/2006 2:25 PM  
DS' ROOOCCCCCKKKKKKKK they are so awesome oh this is going to be so cool when they come out I will defitnitley buy one.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/04/2006 2:41 PM  
I'm dead sexy yo
Anonymous Anonymous 4/04/2006 2:44 PM  
HAHA! That was an awesome review... makes me wish I has DS Lite instead... but my husband is getting one in Hong Kong (I'll just have to steal it from him) ;)
Mmmmm... fruitloops.... I must go eat me a bowl now!
Anonymous Anonymous 4/06/2006 12:18 AM  
great video. the froot loop were a nice touch. is there any new pictochat setting or somthing? wi-fi mabey? make another video too. i loved both of them. cant it fit in your pocket? that is the bad thing about the original. in your net video put them on top of eachother. thnx.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/06/2006 12:53 PM  
I just bought ds lite. for those who have own one, does the upper screen is bluish and the touch screen is yellowish? i never own original ds before so i dont know if this is normal or not for a touchscreen to appear more yellowish. help?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/06/2006 8:58 PM  
My DS is still 10 days away from my sweaty hands...Arghh!! it's agony! But your two reviews certainly help ease the pain (but also amp-up the anticipation unfortunatley). Brilliant job! As so many others have said you are a natural - great humour - great tone - and the disembodied hands have now become your trademark (whether you like it or not!) it's brilliant! Maybe you should set up your own video podcast and review EVERYTHING - perhaps get on board with the engadget guys?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/08/2006 3:51 AM  
This is a very important question! To me, at least.

Metroid Prime: Hunters came out recently, and I play it -a lot-. On the original DS, there is a slightly raised bit of plastic around its bottom screen, though, that prevents the stylus from zipping off the touch screen from jerky movements. On the DS Lite, however, I noticed that the lower screen seems to be raised up a bit.

My question is: On the lower DS touch screen "platform", is there a slight border to it that prevents the stylus from going off the screen or -not-?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/10/2006 4:36 AM  
what an excellent idea putting a movie of a console like that online, u have answered all my questions in 5 minutes thanks alot stranger. :)
Anonymous Anonymous 4/11/2006 1:44 PM  
Which color of the New DS Lite do you like best?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/12/2006 5:33 PM  

i think white looks the best as if you get the enamel blue it looks like a kinda psp copy plus the contrast of dark console and bright screen may look a bit wierd/hard on the eye

For the rest of you itll be more expensive than a standard ds (i think)and i recommend importing if you are really interested-the only differences with english and japanese versions are different default languages and supplied power adapter.

im gona import to the uk so will need a 220-110v step down converter, change the language to english and THAT IS IT

games are region free so you can still play old games BUT your ds friend codes will be lost and if you upgrade from old to new ds (like me) YOUR friend code will change - remember that

Oh and heres something to excite you japan (only) there will be a tv tuner and for the rest of us an INTERNET BROWSER (im not kiding please google if you think im a liar)

by the way great review and great hands - im only saying cos i click my knuckles and they look like theyre gonna tear outta my skin :-(
Anonymous Anonymous 4/13/2006 11:38 AM  
You've answered all the questions I wanted to know about this thing except for one: When does this beauty hit US soil? ANyone know? Anyone? Great review dude.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/13/2006 1:46 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous 4/13/2006 4:16 PM  
when is the nintendo ds lite coming out in the UK and can you play normal nintedo games on it (e.g nintendogs ).
I thought your movie was really good !
Anonymous Anonymous 4/14/2006 10:14 AM  
i want to get the import does it play the US games or would it only play JP games?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/14/2006 11:13 AM  
Response to Anonymous post 4-13-06 at 4:16 PM

Our(US) plugs are the same(110V).
The only place it won't work is the UK.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/15/2006 5:53 PM  
Reply for
"My question is: On the lower DS touch screen "platform", is there a slight border to it that prevents the stylus from going off the screen or -not-?"
Yes. there is a raised border on the touch screen lcd.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/16/2006 10:59 AM  
just to clarify
games are region free so whether you live in uk or usa any game should work in it (i live in uk and import games all the time)

i dont know however if jap games can be translated (subtitles may be in japanese but game will work fine)

it will work in uk but requires a 220V-110V step down converter so if importing buy a converter or it will not work (thats what i will do)
Anonymous Anonymous 4/16/2006 2:55 PM  
Hey, great vid, but i really would like to know about the ds lite's battery time on all 4 britness settings.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/17/2006 11:46 AM  
*** TO TANNER M. ***

Anonymous Anonymous 4/17/2006 12:40 PM  
Woohooo! Great review. In fact the one that made me order my shiny new navy blue DSL along with a stepdown converter!

Blogger Zorni 4/18/2006 6:49 AM  
The ds lite is amazing it looks so much better and BRIGHTER than the original ds yet i still dont think i can be arsed getting the money by one( how much are they?) i dont think i will be able 2 be seperated from my curent ds as i hav modified it 2 the way i like it!!! oh and 1 last thing can the ds play movies because my mate has been bugging me about that 4 weeks
Anonymous Anonymous 4/18/2006 8:31 AM  
I like much this video I WANT TO BUY ONE NOWWWWW.
But I want to know 2 things about the ds lite.
Is the connection of the battery the same or is a different connection?
Has the same time of hours of play or more?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/18/2006 8:48 PM  
Thanks man, your reviews are amazing and a blessing for us normal folk. I noticed how the on/off switch is placed on the right side of the DS, I was wondering, isn't there a risk of accidentaly turning the DS off while playing a game? And by the way, how do the buttons feel?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/19/2006 2:18 AM  
hey thanks for the review cable, im gonna have to get me one of those. but seriously froot loops?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/22/2006 10:30 AM  
Hey Cabel. I was wondering if you could do a PART 3 and compare the DS lite's death screens to the GBA SP (the one with a brighter screen) and the gameboy micro. I was just wondering how much brighter (if any) the ds lite's screen is.(on the highest level.)
Anonymous Anonymous 4/23/2006 7:54 AM  
Are you still alive!? No you couldnt of died! Your video reviews are AWSOME! The best ive ever seen. but could you show your face? i was wondering what u look like. MAKE A 3RD ONE!!! thanks.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/23/2006 4:58 PM  
Shaz here, from the UK just wanted 2 say ur videos on the DS comparisons were brilliant!! made me realise it would stupid 2 get the old one just cos it comes in pink! lol although the new ds lite hasnt come out in the UK yet so i will hav to get it off ebay!!
p.s. Your really funny!
Anonymous Anonymous 4/26/2006 10:24 AM  
Wow now i totally have to get one!
Anonymous Anonymous 4/27/2006 8:31 PM  
thank you for your movie, i really want one now
Anonymous Anonymous 4/28/2006 9:46 AM  
wow your magic hands are cool, getin one of these in 3weeks gonna b gd, thanks 4 the review it helps alot
Anonymous Anonymous 4/28/2006 12:24 PM  
hopefully the ds lite's max volume wont decrease because if u notice, the speakers on the lite are smaller on the original.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/28/2006 5:37 PM  
WOW! You are absolutely amazing!
Great review + Tons of Fun!

Thank you :)
Anonymous Anonymous 5/02/2006 4:27 AM  
i was considering buying of one of gameboy advance sp, micro and nintendo ds console. what i made up is that ds is the choice!

one more time: your way of making reviews from users viewport is just revolutionary for me - it showed me what i wanted to see. almost all words that i would want to use as a compliment has slipped my mind, so what can i say is just fair: great job! ;]

i see main advances of ds now (fetching them indirectly from you video review), but it would be nice if you made a comparison of technical info and of course player's view review on micro - what are pros and cons of this console (in comparison to ds for example) - or something like: why should you rather buy ds than micro or gba se (ok, last one's way too big ;]).

oh. the last one: i'm rather switching my choice to ds lite (from original ds).

thanks for your efforts: i'm sure that watching this video isn't just half of fun like making of it (isn't it? :D).

PLEASE, CONTINUE YOUR WORK! i'm almost sure that i won't meet you again online, but let these warm words be my thanks and encouragement on further work. keep on it!
Anonymous Anonymous 5/03/2006 2:48 PM  
oh! previous anonymous was me (just for your information which won't be useful to you at all, but it's nice to know person's name when receiving compliments ;P).

last one time: thanks!
Anonymous Anonymous 5/03/2006 2:50 PM  
Finaly!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nintendo got it right now I want one, no dout other people feel the same, great job
Anonymous Anonymous 5/04/2006 10:41 PM  
Yea im buying one for sure....
I can bring it to school and stuff
bc its soo small.
Anonymous Anonymous 5/06/2006 12:31 AM  
I've never seen your site before, but I stumbled across it during my research of the DS Lite. Your video narration skills are, to say the least, incredible -- and incredibly amusing. Please, for the sake of all that is good and right in the world, continue to set an example for geeks and gamers to be able to act like real people on camera/audio recording.

You are a hero.
Blogger Matt 5/06/2006 12:54 AM  
I love Froot Loops! Can you do it again?
Anonymous Anonymous 5/19/2006 5:46 PM  
froot loops!
Anonymous Anonymous 5/19/2006 5:47 PM  
Very funny and informative video! It made us laugh!
I am going to get one for my 10 year old's Birthday....will it becoming out in other colors soon?
Do you know when cool covers will be coming out for the DS Lite? Everything has to be cute when it comes to school aged kids!
Anonymous Anonymous 5/29/2006 11:33 AM  
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can u make a video showing the different colour of the DSLites.... i want to get one but dont know which colour to get.. i wondered if say.. the white one gets dirty quick... things like that thanx a lot
Anonymous Anonymous 5/30/2006 1:03 AM  
Loved your review, but would like your advice on which is a better choice, gba or ds lite? I bought the original gameboy many, many years ago and would like to have a portable system. Thanks.
Anonymous Anonymous 5/31/2006 6:31 AM  
hi cabel
is there any way that you can make another version without the gba cartrage stiking out like the original virsion
Anonymous Anonymous 6/01/2006 5:39 AM  
Go to
Sneak Peak for DS LITE MY COUSIN ONE OF THE DESIGNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous 6/07/2006 4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous 6/10/2006 12:21 PM  
does it play music??

ya so i had the regular ds and the screen broke from the outside on the top is this one stronger?
Anonymous Anonymous 6/10/2006 4:41 PM  
Haha. That was a great video review man! I loved it! I'm so glad I traded in my original DS. It looks fat and ugly in comparison the DS Lite. I can't wait till i get it tomorrow! yay!
Anonymous Anonymous 6/10/2006 8:58 PM  

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Name:Cabel Maxfield Sasser
Job:Co-Founder, Panic Inc.
Location:Portland, OR