
FancyZoom 1.1

Update: Version 1.1 released 2/8/08. Good bug fixes + Opera compatibility! I fought back the charging Guanaco, immediately hopped on my paraglider, and basically caught the first flight out of Chile — but not without dealing with some cantankerous customs inspectors while drinking a cool glass of chicha. Really sorry it took so long! But hey, two years later, it's finally done!

Smooth Javascript Image Zooming For Your Web Pages

This much-requested chunk of Javascript to zoom images inline, originally written for this blog but later rolled out to the Panic website and used for screenshots, is now polished up, bug-fixed, available for you to use on your website!

Designed to view full-size photos and images inline without requiring a separate web page load, FancyZoom's raison d’être (French for "raisin-determination") is providing a smooth, clean, truly Mac-like effect, almost like it's a function of Safari itself. Since I originally wrote this script, there are now a lot of image zoomers to choose from (including a similar effect now on Apple's own site!), such as the popular (and inspiring) Lightbox. So you might be asking: "Cabel, why use FancyZoom?" Well, here's why!
  • Focused on the smoothest, most polished zooming animation possible
  • Automatically scales images from any image link, with no HTML changes
  • Preloads full-size images in the background on link mouseover
  • No resource-heavy Javascript libraries — 100% coded from scratch to zoom
  • Draws a nice drop shadow under the full-size image to offset it from the page
  • Uses Safari 3's "box-shadow" feature to draw the drop shadow natively, no images required
  • Requires only two new lines of code in your HTML
  • Tested and works with Safari, Firefox, IE7, and IE6. (Looks better in modern browsers.)

Since FancyZoom is so easy to add to a web page, I encourage you to give it a try!


Installing FancyZoom on your web pages should be dead simple.

1 Download the FancyZoom package, right here:

2 Using Transmit (or your favorite FTP client), upload the two folders inside the package to the root of your webserver.

3Add the following two lines of code to the <head> section at the top of your web page(s):

<script src="/js-global/FancyZoom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js-global/FancyZoomHTML.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

4Add onload="setupZoom()" inside your page's existing <body> tag. For example:

<body id="whatever" [...] onload="setupZoom()">

5Whoah. You're done! The rest is automatic — links to images in your page will automatically zoom the images. For example:

<a href="image.jpg"><img src="image-thumbnail.jpg" /></a> will zoom up image.jpg when clicked.

Additional Details

There are a few extra notes that you might find useful.
Want to add a caption? Add a title tag in your href. That's it!

FancyZoom will use the size of the first element in the href to determine the initial size and location of the zoom.

FancyZoom works best if you wrap your href around a thumbnail, but also works from text-only links to images.

FancyZoom will attach itself to any jpg, gif, png, bmp, or tiff link in your page.

If you're a Javascript hacker, FancyZoom's flexible fadeIn and fadeOut functions can be used for all sorts of fun stuff.

If you explicitly don't want an image to zoom, add a rel="nozoom" tag to your href.


It's both an example, and some random pictures from Macworld Expo 2008!

Release Notes

Version 1.1 released 2/8/2008.
  • Improved Opera compatibility
  • Fixed an issue that would cause crazy infinite zooming
  • Improves caption behavior in certain situations
  • Now returns any alt-clicks and command-clicks back to the browser, for standard behavior (open in new tab, etc.)


FancyZoom is totally free for your non-commercial website.

In a bit of an experiment: if your website is commercial (i.e. makes you money), you can license FancyZoom for $39 per site, a one-time fee. Instantly add nice image zooming to your site. Click here to instantly and securely buy a license.


I hope you and your websites enjoy FancyZoom. If you make any cool changes or improvements, let me know! And if you have awesome feedback, or find weird bugs, drop word in the comments.

PS: Yes, you can even hold shift when you click an image. The Apple tradition continues!


«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 731 of 731

Is it possible to use FancyZoom in an area (image map) ?

Thanks for the nice code.

Anonymous Anonymous 11/18/2009 7:15 AM  
Is their any more development with this software, I have a founds a few bugs that seem to be issues when you have 100's of images on one page?
Anonymous Anonymous 11/20/2009 12:47 PM  
Sorry ! But with this script not working good with IE 8 !
Tested with Opera and Firefox - no problem
Internet Explorer - working very slowly ....
Anonymous Anonymous 11/25/2009 6:16 PM  
I installed Fancy Zoom and it works great but when someone other than me posts, it dosen't work on their images. Can anyone help me?
Anonymous Kaos 11/25/2009 8:45 PM  
You are really good! Thats exactly what i need. Thanks
Anonymous arthur 11/26/2009 4:17 PM  
Very nice effect!
Anonymous del 11/27/2009 7:31 AM  
for a complete an total newbie... can this be done in zencart? and perhaps somebody would tel me how/? please??
i love it so much and it looks so much nicer than any lightbox/slimbox thingy
Anonymous Anonymous 11/30/2009 5:15 PM  
Hi Cabel,
Loved this script since the first time I saw it!
I was even more impressed when I saw it work on my Nokia browser :)

However I needed to attach the behavior to image urls like getimage.aspx?imagecode=12345
for dynamically loaded images.

So I changed the prepZooms() function in FancyZoom.js and works beautifully.
Now I can just add a rel="dozoom" attribute to attach any image url.

Here is the changed function:
function prepZooms() {
if (! document.getElementsByTagName) {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].getAttribute("href")) {
if (links[i].getAttribute("rel") == "dozoom") {
links[i].onclick = function(event) { return zoomClick(this, event); };
links[i].onmouseover = function() { zoomPreload(this); };
else {
if (links[i].getAttribute("href").search(/(.*)\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp|tif|tiff)/gi) != -1) {
if (links[i].getAttribute("rel") != "nozoom") {
links[i].onclick = function(event) { return zoomClick(this, event); };
links[i].onmouseover = function() { zoomPreload(this); };

I hope this helps people with the same problem: attaching the zoom to non image urls or maybe you will include this in a future version.
Anonymous Lucian 12/03/2009 3:48 AM  
I have an issue (only) in Safari (Mac OS X) where there is a conflict with the lytebox script. Since the REL tag is already in use by this script, I cannot add the "nozoom" specification to the REL tag, thereby preventing the zoomscript taking precedence over the lytebox one. Strangely enough, this precedence does not occur if previously I have succesfully the lytebox script elsewhere on the page. Then everything works as intended.
Anonymous Anonymous 12/04/2009 3:57 AM  
HI there ... well congratulations about this application, so why in IE7 the full image seems to be more little than firefox .... I cant fix this problem. Thanks
Anonymous Anonymous 12/08/2009 8:45 PM  
Hello Cabel,
Thank you for FancyZoom. I love it!
One question: Horizontal images display perfectly. But vertical images are distorted to a horizontal format. How can I make it so both horizontal and vertical are displayed properly? I noticed that on this site all images are horizontal.

Thanks again!
Blogger ESG 12/11/2009 11:37 AM  
Every time I've tried this, I can't get it to work. I followed all directions to the letter. I don't know what the problem is. Looks nice, though.
Anonymous Anonymous 12/13/2009 8:33 PM  
Very nice, it is working very good.
But i still have a question.
Could you tell me how to set this zoom up with an area tag.
That would be very great.
Imagine a picture with all area shape's, so you click on an area it zooms out so you can see a detail.
Thank you in advance and thanks a lot for the script anyway.
Anonymous Edu 12/15/2009 2:47 PM  
Interesting, I am going to add on my website. thanks for sharing this site.
Anonymous Raza Ali 12/27/2009 1:56 AM  
First THANKS!!!
now... all my zoom images are scaled.
Really don't know why this is happening

can you check it here

Anonymous Gusi 12/27/2009 7:57 AM  
this is so sweet! Thank you for sharing.

However, I dont know if anyone else has experienced the same issue, but the zooming on IE (6, 7 & 8) is way smoother and slower then it is on Firefox or safari, where it's so quick you lose the magic of the effect somewhat. What could be the reason for this?
Anonymous Anonymous 12/29/2009 9:31 AM  
Hi, I think this is awesome!
Currently trying to give it a go but having seemingly followed your instructions I can't get it to work! Instead of zooming the image it just loads it in another window! what am I doing wrong??!

Any help much appreciated thanks!
Anonymous Anonymous 12/30/2009 6:59 AM  
Great work..I really like this JS
I'm trying to use this with youtube videos and I've setup each link to auto play but now I hear all the sounds from each file before I even clicked on the image.

And if I turn off auto play, and click on the image to view the video; I hit the play button to play the clip it closes back down.

how do I fix this?
Anonymous Anonymous 12/31/2009 2:07 AM  
Great work..I really like this JS
I'm trying to use this with youtube videos and I've setup each link to auto play but now I hear all the sounds from each file before I even clicked on the image.

And if I turn off auto play, and click on the image to view the video; I hit the play button to play the clip it closes back down.

how do I fix this?
Anonymous drizzy 12/31/2009 2:12 AM  
This is pretty much the most awesome thing ever.
Anonymous Anonymous 1/11/2010 2:07 PM  
This looks sweet, but I'd really like to be able to display the zoomed images over a black background!
Anonymous Julian Bennett Holmes 1/17/2010 12:22 PM  
Is any idea how use this nice solution for view videos, or external page, iframe, inline html ajax? Some jquery superbox but with this design, because this desing is nice.

Anonymous Pitrsonek 1/22/2010 4:47 AM  
Hi Cabel!
Thank you very much for FancyZoom. I use it for the image gallery on my site and luv' it to death. Awesome job!

Building my site, I noticed something peculiar. Perhaps you have encountered this yourself or heard about it from your users.
When I view a webpage that hosts FanzyZoom, and do a Print Preview without having clicked a picture before, using setting "Shrink to fit", Print Preview shows and prints the page as expected.
When instead you first click an image to zoom it, and then do a Print Preview with setting "Shrink to fit", Print Preview shows the content of the page shrunk about 30%. The text has become significally smaller. I guess about 30%.
You can try that here, with your own webpage. Make a Print Preview without and with first clicking an image to zoom it.

A workaround is to reload/refresh the page after you have clicked an image to zoom.

Do you know what could cause this behaviour?
FF3+ and IE7 both show the same result.

Any suggestions welcome!
Anonymous Anonymous 1/26/2010 4:53 AM  
Designed to view full-size photos and images inline without requiring a separate web page load, FancyZoom's raison d’être (French for "raisin-determination") is providing a smooth, clean, truly Mac-like effect, almost like it's a function of Safari itself.
Anonymous Term Papers 1/26/2010 9:57 PM  
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this jQuery stuff, but I'm trying to put scroll bars inside the content that is zooming because, theres a hugh list of attraction that are on the page. When ever I try, it works but the list just continues to go down the page.

How do I go about putting a scroll bar inside the zoom content?

Thanks in Advance
Blogger Dre 1/29/2010 1:55 PM  
Отличный скрипт. Спасибо. Thanks
Anonymous Работы 2/11/2010 2:15 AM  
Is there some way to FORCE the use of FancyZoom. The site I'm working on is AJAX and the link is for dynamic images. The link is there and will appear fine, but does NOT load the fancyzoom....

Help would be appreciated...
Anonymous Anonymous 2/12/2010 11:01 AM  
This is a very nice and simple solution for my portfolio website under development. I only want the background to be dark when i zoom in on an image (lightbox effect). Do you know a way to do this. I would be very grateful!
Anonymous Lydie Polak 2/21/2010 1:43 AM  
Hi there.

Is there an easy way to get rid of the drop shadow and closebox image?

Best regards

Anonymous Anonymous 2/25/2010 2:25 PM  
An awesome script here.. :) Simply superb.. But why cant FancyZoom open images of different sizes??

The images open with the dimension of the first image opened. :(
Anonymous Arun 3/03/2010 9:15 AM  
I'm very thankful to the author for posting such an amazing development post. Continuing to the post. Thanks.
Anonymous College Term Papers 3/10/2010 1:55 AM  
This is a fantastic, It is glad to see this blog, nice informative blog, Thanks for share this article.
Anonymous College Term Papers 3/13/2010 4:42 AM  
very nice...thanks
Anonymous biju 3/14/2010 10:41 PM  
I have only recently come across your zoom script and have successfully run a test web page incorporating the zoom function in both IE8 and Firefox 3.6 browsers. However, it doesn't work if the image links in the web page are created by PHP/MYSQL scrips from database records. E.g. of link created
(a href='/Stamps/view_stamp_photo.php?file=62' title='No. 1075 Issued 7 Feb, 1979 Dogs' )
(ing src= '/Stamps/view_stamp_photo.php?file=62' alt="Dogs" height='55' width='60'class='image2' /) (/a)

There only way I can think of getting it to work, as your code stands, is to maintain a copy of the images outside of the database and insert a link to the external image into the database record. Thus the PHP/MYSQL will be able to insert a physical image link into the web page instead of the PHP one. As there are hundreds of images this alternative wouldn't be efficient so I am wondering if your code can be amended, easily, to attach its self to non jpg, gif, png, bmp, or tiff links such as mine?

I realize that the latest update to your blog was mid 2008 but I am hopeful that you still check from time to time.
P.S. I had to use () instead of tag brackets and ing instead of img in example link due to your comment checker refusing to allow tag brackets and img.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/22/2010 10:58 AM  
i followed the instructions, and it seemed to be working, though the html looked a bit different in dreamweaver.
in any case, after pasting code in, it worked but created a new page for the zoomed in pic!
please help with someone not too familiar with html.
i'm using iweb and edited the code in dreamweaver.
the tweak program i had trouble with it didn't work.
this did but please help with where to place the code for an iweb page...
Blogger Better Blue 3/22/2010 10:52 PM  
Nice, easy to use, thanks
Anonymous Anonymous 3/26/2010 5:30 AM  
Hey, first I would like to thank you for Fancyzoom its great and it works perfectly, though I have on problem. I have a flash slideshow in my top header and when i click on the photos they load under the swf file instead of above everything. do you know how i can fix that?

Thank you!
Anonymous vee 4/08/2010 1:42 PM  
Hello friend,

Not sure if this has been covered... How about an addition of a background fade? In contrast, I think it's much better to isolate the image.
Anonymous Aaron Humphreys 4/14/2010 3:08 AM  
Can you make Fancy Zoom pop and then proceed through a group of photos? or must it be one at a time?
Blogger Thomas Bricker 4/14/2010 9:59 AM  
IE 8 does not work; Firefox 3 okay.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/17/2010 4:38 PM  
Great script,thanx.... but the only thing is my 'closebox' image doesn't show up??? It is in the same map as the shadowimages who does show up; what can be wrong?

Hope you can help me!

Anonymous Anonymous 4/23/2010 2:26 PM  
Hmmm, interesting. I followed the instructions to the letter and I get no zoom. The browser just treats the image like an image.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/24/2010 7:23 AM  
This is a really great script - thanks!

Is it possible to have previous/next buttons on the zoomed images so you can view a whole album?+


Blogger Unknown 4/25/2010 9:49 AM  
Partially got this to work, although I had to change the script src location to FancyZoom 1.1/js-global/blah.js because that's how the zip package comes, and if I move files out of the directory structure the zoom doesn't work. So with that change, my image is now zooming, although none of the shadow, border or X close buttons are found, so my zoomed image is surrounded by broken image icons. I'm dumb, I know. Where did I screw up ?
Anonymous Anonymous 4/27/2010 6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous 4/30/2010 5:57 PM  
i tried your fancy zoom on my wordpress blog. it didn't worked and it messed up the whole blog.
now i am trying to repair the damage done
Blogger stefano vergani 5/01/2010 12:02 PM  
I implemented this on an iWeb site. Everything works fine on the mac...but I've tried two PC users using IE8 and the animation of the zoom was incredibly slow. Is there a reason for this - and is there something I can do to fix it? Thanks.
Anonymous Anonymous 5/03/2010 11:33 AM  
great code, is it possible to close with a mouseout event¿?
sorry for my english
Anonymous Anonymous 5/04/2010 5:41 AM  
Awesome script. I made a few bug fixes:

Stop dimensions being screwed up: FancyZoom.js : Lines 103 - 104:

// Only preload if we have to, i.e. the image isn't this image already
if (imgPreload.src != from.getAttribute("href")) {

Stop 1px white line on side of image: FancyZoom.js : Lines 721 - 722:

myWidth = myWidth - ( myWidth % 2 );
myHeight = myHeight - ( myHeight % 2 );

drummondj at sectionz dot com
Anonymous drummondj 5/04/2010 8:02 PM  
Just downloaded the .zip, installed it, activated it and everything ran smooth as a good ass!
Anonymous A:T: 5/06/2010 7:12 AM  
how do i do step 3 and 4? where would that file be located?
Blogger dark+avenger 5/13/2010 8:41 AM  
hi can this feature be added to a blog?
if yes how do i implement it?
Blogger WomaiHeadphone 5/15/2010 8:11 AM  
Q onda, oye estoy empezando en esto de las paginas web y no se si me podrias ayudar... al hacer el ejemplo del fancy, cuando le doy sobre la imagen, me abre otra pagina con la imagen grande, como le hago para q me aparezaca en la misma pagina??, ayudame porfavor... gracias de antemano...
Anonymous Anonymous 5/17/2010 6:12 PM  
Were finding an issue with firefox on Windows 7 and vist - the first time the zoom image is opened it closes but if you re-open the zoom image it refuses to close ?

anyone else experienceing this ?

only on firefox on windows

example of problem here appears work fine on all other mixes of browsers and OS

steven at
Blogger Unknown 5/19/2010 4:34 AM  
I'm a total neophite in web-design. I tried using the fancyzoom as instructed on iwebunlimited (he uses this) and, although I went step by step several times, all the zoom does is open up another page with a bigger picture. There are many other users that have had this same problem and posted notices but unfortunately the iwebunlimited host does not address the issue. Does anyone here have any tips? I would greatly appreciate it.

Blogger Curiousdance 5/19/2010 7:33 PM  
Even the Interarchy website uses it ;-)
Anonymous Anonymous 5/27/2010 2:22 AM  
Cable, This is very good.
IMO - Almost all sites have several images, automatically attaching zoom to all images may not be a good idea.
It will be more useful if we can "explicitly" attach zoom to images that need zooming. Kind of reverse of rel="nozoom".
Anonymous Anonymous 6/04/2010 11:40 AM  
nice :)
but open source or not?
Anonymous Anonymous 6/07/2010 9:21 AM  
Well, this works fine on IE8 and FF 3.6.3 BUT doesn't on the iphone 3gs safari browser & iphoney.

When you click on a given image, the wrong enlargement comes up.
Blogger Gordon Yeong 6/15/2010 5:27 AM  
very very nice, thanx
Blogger Core Design Studio 6/29/2010 11:29 PM  
thank you very much its working
Blogger Unknown 7/13/2010 12:18 AM  
For anyone else having an issue where the image zooms from the bottom left corner of the thumbnail instead of having a scale effect, the anchor & image tags need to be on the same line as each other — don't try to tidy up the formatting.

This displays correctly:
[a href="image.png"][img src="image-thumb.png" /][/a]

This does not display correctly:
[a href="image.png"]
[img src="image-thumb.png" /]

(Sorry, I had to substitute < & > for [ & ] in order to post this comment)
Anonymous Alex 7/14/2010 7:00 PM  
I am trying to implement the Fancy Zoom on my site and am getting an error: the circular close graphic is missing.

Does any know how to fix this?

Blogger Mark Diamond 7/18/2010 10:58 AM  
Hi guys

Just got a site made that is using fancyzoom for images however having the same issue as some of the above people have mentioned. Sometimes the image instead of popping up just 'whizes' to the right and at other times the popped up image retains dimension of previous image and therefore looks distorted. It appears to work intermittently and wonderig if there is a fix to the issue. Please view

Help Please
Anonymous Sam 7/23/2010 5:36 AM  
Hi All

Just wondering is there a way to fix the pop up dimensions problem - as stated previously by other people gallery works intermittently as sometimes it refuses to pop up and other times in retains dimension of previous image - eg:

Please help
Anonymous Anonymous 7/23/2010 6:36 AM  
Thanks, very nice
Anonymous grayhead 7/24/2010 11:32 PM  
An incredible script, so easy to use !!!
Anonymous Anonymous 7/31/2010 12:14 AM  
I tried to write a email two times. But I didn't recieve a answer. So I try it once more again at this way :)
I would like to take fancyZoom for a typo3 project, but I have some problems with the gallery.
First of all, if I include fancyZoom I can not longer set normal images a zoomable because the fancy Gallery tries to open it and I get an empty box. Addionally is there a way for differnt positions not in a row order like TYPO3 typical fancyZoom order, without much programming? Finally is there a way to hide the comment field? I'm looking forward for your answer.. :)

All the best,
Anonymous Daniel M. 8/09/2010 6:16 AM  
Thank you very much.
I urgently need an easy to use gallery for a client with absolutely no knowledge on html, javascript, php, ajax, etc. whatsoever. I was looking around for some weeks now and couldn’t find anything really appropriate.
So again, thank’s a lot.
Anonymous Whipper 8/13/2010 2:51 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Blogger Unknown 8/14/2010 12:18 PM  
Hello everyone!
Thanks for the library, is very good!
I've had problems displaying images that I previously loaded with Spry. I am not a professional javascript and I have solved the problem with the following botched:
FancyZoom.js adding a function:

function setupZoomSpry(event)
if(event.currentTarget.getAttribute("setupZoomSpry")==1) return;
event.currentTarget.onclick = function (event) { return zoomClick(this, event); };
event.currentTarget.onmouseover = function () { zoomPreload(this); };

And in the HTML code I add the following attribute:

<a href="{dsFamilia_desc::@image_path}/{dsFamilia::@image}" title="{dsFamilia::@name}" onmouseover="setupZoomSpry(event)">

So I managed to register the onClick event on the first time I move the mouse over.

Good luck to everyone!
Anonymous César Themudo 8/15/2010 6:44 AM  
I setup step by step all but closebox.png and other images not working. Please help.
Anonymous Anonymous 8/16/2010 11:40 PM  
If you don't like that the zoomed image is not zoomed out when you click outside it, you can add

$(window).one('click', function(e) { fzZoomOut(this, e); });

to the end of fzZoomDoneIn() function.
I think that should be added to the official package.

Cheers, Anton
Anonymous Anonymous 8/24/2010 6:16 AM  
whether web using your fancyzoom.js 1.1 script?
Anonymous Iwan 8/24/2010 5:54 PM  
Muchas gracias por el js, esta muy bueno, no había entendido como hacerlo funcionar, pero finalmente me resulto. Ahora es cosa de css para que quede bonito. Lo usaré en mi web personal, estoy recién aprendiendo.

Gracias =). Desde Chile!.
Blogger [[_pedrexh21_]] 8/24/2010 9:42 PM  
If you're on a mac, you're going to want to override the TD tag styles beneath ZoomCapDiv so the title show up properly. Here's the code:

#ZoomCapDiv TD {
Anonymous Anonymous 8/26/2010 3:36 PM  
Your instructions for the WordPress plugin say to install it and activate it. That's all. But it's not working for me. Then here on this page, your instructions list several lines of code you have to add to your HTML (script, onLoad, etc.). I don't have to do that for my WordPress blog, do I? Here is my site with the FancyZoom activated, but not working:
Anonymous Jacom Stephens 9/08/2010 3:08 PM  
Your instructions for the WordPress plugin say to install it and activate it. That's all. But it's not working for me. Then here on this page, your instructions list several lines of code you have to add to your HTML (script, onLoad, etc.). I don't have to do that for my WordPress blog, do I? Here is my site with the FancyZoom activated, but not working:
Anonymous Jacom Stephens 9/08/2010 3:15 PM  
I have this in a div, placed next to another div. The thumbs look great, but when I click to zoom, the zoomed image shows partly behind the stuff in the second div. How can I get the zoomed image to always appear on top?
Anonymous Anonymous 9/20/2010 8:35 AM  
I am trying to use this and it messes up on my account. can someone tell me how to fix it?
the image does not change properly
Anonymous Anonymous 10/11/2010 10:30 AM  
It appears that GoComics (e.g. [0]) uses FancyZoom. They don't acknowledge it, though...

Anonymous Anonymous 10/11/2010 6:26 PM  
wow... its cool, I love it
Anonymous Noskill1343 10/16/2010 4:42 AM  
Wow, this cool. I don't know jack about Javascript and was able to implement this for my site. If I keep it, I will definitely be donating.. thanks dude!
Anonymous Anonymous 10/18/2010 7:27 PM  
on my homepage it does not work right.
can someone please help.
when i click on a thumbnail it works fine... when i click on another one the thumbnail i clicked on before that image appears and then switches to the image that i clicked on.
Pleaseee help!
Anonymous Anonymous 10/28/2010 2:55 PM  
I need to grow in only a few pictures?
How to make me not have to add REL = "nozoom" to all the pictures, which increase is not required, as they increase in a new window?

Thank you!
Anonymous Kolobokk 10/31/2010 12:30 AM  
It doesn't work with Google Chrome ... Is there an easy solution for this?
Anonymous Lorenz 11/04/2010 3:59 PM  
Wow Its Nice!
Anonymous YouTubk 11/09/2010 9:43 AM  
I'm encountering the following bugs in IE:

1. The close button is shown inside the image rectange, rather than lying half outside (IE7, IE8).
2. On IE8, sometimes the close button is not shown until user moves the mouse into or out of the image rectange.
Anonymous Anonymous 11/19/2010 12:50 PM  
You have a great scipt, Cabel but it can run 2 times faster. I have a large image gallery and I had to go to your code and change, for example

var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {

var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"), l_lenght = links.length;
for (i = 0; i < l_length; i++) {

if you are interested at, we can contact and look for other improvements mybodya at gmail
Anonymous dan 11/24/2010 3:49 AM  
This is just what I've been looking for. I spent a while searching the web trying find some information on this very subject when I accidentally came across your site. Finding your site saves me a lot of time from having to continue to try and find. A friend of mine I know will want to read this as well so I'll be sure to shoot him an e-mail to give him a link to your site so he can read this for him self. Thanks for posting this and great job on this site.

Have a great day
Anonymous Watch UFC 124 11/25/2010 4:33 PM  
I can't see on IExplorer 8
Blogger Unknown 11/29/2010 11:51 AM  
Confirmed bug:

A mix or Portrait and Landscape images don't work. Landscape ones get distorted because they are zoomed in Portrait mode.
I thin some has already reported it.
Anonymous Anonymous 12/02/2010 10:49 PM  
Very very Good Job !!!
Easy and Fats to use.
Anonymous Anonymous 12/05/2010 8:27 AM  
for the body tag what do you put in this? [...]

Help please!!
Anonymous Anonymous 12/16/2010 9:52 AM  
Hi all my name is Megan, I'm new to web design and I am having a problem. I'm sure I'm going to sound like a fool but here I go. I can't make the closebox.png work, I also cannot make the caption back ground images work. any idea as what I'm doing worg? I tried it on firefox, chomes and ie. I also tried uploading it to my server and still didn't work. could anyone help me?

Thanks Megan out.
Anonymous Anonymous 12/26/2010 4:21 PM  
Anonymous said...
Hi all my name is Megan, I'm new to web design and I am having a problem. I'm sure I'm going to sound like a fool but here I go. I can't make the closebox.png work, I also cannot make the caption back ground images work. any idea as what I'm doing worg? I tried it on firefox, chomes and ie. I also tried uploading it to my server and still didn't work. could anyone help me?

Thanks Megan out.
Anonymous Anonymous 12/26/2010 4:22 PM  
I have a small problem. The zooming works perfectly, but I have a few movies embed in my site, and when I clik on a image the pop-up (using FancyZoom) goes underneath the movie, instead over it (even when you don't play the movie and it's only there).

Here's the link to one of the pages, try and click one of the images and you'll see what I mean. How can I solve this problem?
Anonymous Gea 12/28/2010 2:54 PM  
Thanks a lot!
Blogger valixt 12/29/2010 5:44 AM  
I downloaded all files but can't find the 'magnifying glass' image that should appear on the lower right corner of each image (as shown in your example).

Also, where is this image called from in the FancyZoomHTML code?
Anonymous Sammy 1/11/2011 1:02 AM  
Do you know how I can add this to blogger? I am having problems adding the last bit of code to my body.
Blogger Rachel Follett 1/23/2011 4:10 PM  
This is much sweeter than Lightbox.
The ESC key is not working in Safari or Google Chrome. You should be able to make that work, easily.
Anonymous Chris 1/24/2011 7:14 PM  
I really like FancyZoom - but I encountered in all browsers (except IE) some problems with images of different size on the same page. The problem is on line 105 of FancyZoom.js: if the linked image is a relative link (without /) then indexOf('/') returns -1 and substring(-1) delivers 'g' (last character of 'jpg'). The whole if isn't true and the image won't be preloaded. So when the new image is shown its size will be the size of the old image. My suggestion (quick fix): make sure also relative links to pictures contain a '/'
if (imgPreload.src.indexOf(from.getAttribute("href").substr(("/" + from.getAttribute("href")).lastIndexOf("/"))) == -1) {
Anonymous Anonymous 1/26/2011 5:15 AM  
I'm ready to buy the license if you could fix the close button's position on IE.
Anonymous Anonymous 2/01/2011 12:27 PM  
Is there a way to make Fancyzoom work with an image map???

please advise.
Blogger Martin Cooper/ OrchisArts 2/14/2011 7:57 AM  
is there a way to make fancyzoom work with image maps?
Blogger Martin Cooper/ OrchisArts 2/14/2011 8:10 AM  
Thanks for sharing i really like it.
take care
Anonymous cryoffalcon 2/19/2011 10:03 AM  
How if fancyzoom working in mouseover?
Anonymous blogger 3/09/2011 9:42 PM  
Thank you very much! You have helped me solve a problem with loading an extra page on my website! I am very grateful to you! I wish you success!
Anonymous Angela 3/09/2011 10:15 PM  
Hi Cabel, I've try your applet, very nice. I have a problem with the Location of the zoom and shadow images.The applet works only if I put the images directly in the root of my website. I can't do it. It's possible to change the path in order to assign a different location? And if yes How I can do?
Thank you very much in advance.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/23/2011 11:37 AM  
Can I use this script to play a video?
When a thumbnail is clicked a video should zoom in and start playing. Is this possible?

thanks in advance.
Anonymous Anonymous 3/23/2011 2:08 PM  
do you think i can use it on a blog hosted on blogspot........if yed then please help me
Blogger Siddhesh Patil 4/05/2011 6:06 AM  
Great script. Only very important feature is missing: grouping images (eg. for gallery) to get next and previous links.
Anonymous Anonymous 4/10/2011 8:13 AM  
I'm having issues with the Zoomed image appearing behind the text and images in my navigation and sub-navigation menus. Has anyone else ran into this issue? Otherwise, beautiful Plugin!
Blogger Itanji, L.L.C. 4/18/2011 12:44 PM  
I've added the the a href... code and the image becomes clickable but there's not little icon to indicate that it's zoomable. Do I need to put something else in the code to add such an icon?

Anonymous mickael2 4/21/2011 7:40 AM  
Lo utilicé... me ha funcionado perfectamente!
De ahora en más lo utilizaré en todas mis webs ;)
Anonymous EnriGimenez 5/10/2011 12:23 AM  
This is insanely fast and smooth in FireFox4.
I'm very impressed, good work Cabel!
Blogger twig 5/16/2011 6:01 AM  
need to know how to place onload event while webform using master page because there is no body content for webform using web form..please help me to this i' just new for this..
Blogger Unknown 5/31/2011 2:16 AM  
Way too buggy even for my personal website, unfortunately... i can barely get through 5 zooms without having some sort of problem with the image not even loading or being constrained to the previously clicked image dimensions (causing images to get stretch or squished). Also, half the time, the zoomed image flashes the previously loaded image before it displays the proper linked image. If you were to print out the error log of my website it would be about 20 feet long.

This happens with current safari and firefox on Mac OS 10.5.8. I appreciate him hooking it up for free with non-commercial sites... but there is absolutely no way anyone should buy this product and pay good money for it, way too buggy.
Anonymous Anonymous 6/01/2011 3:42 PM  
can I pay with paypal ?
Anonymous Anonymous 6/06/2011 11:12 PM  
man, duhai zdravo
Anonymous Anonymous 6/07/2011 7:32 AM  
Why does it not work on my website ?

Anonymous Nano'Pom 6/08/2011 12:13 PM  
i want to use fancybox with a imagemap can anybody tell me how i can do this?
Anonymous cooky79 6/10/2011 11:41 AM  
anyone please help, I'm a beginner and learning to build my personal website through self-learning (don't know too much about IT). trying to use different ways to realize the fancy zoom function. with this method, I don't know exactly what to do for step 3 'Add the following two lines of code to the
(head) section at the top of your web page(s): '. does that mean I can find the code of the specific webpage that I'd like to have the fancy zoom and edit the code from there? but I can't find any code on that particular webpage.html using transmit. Or which page I should go to to edit the code? by the way, I publish my website through a ftp server.
thanks a lot!!!
Anonymous Anonymous 6/14/2011 4:49 PM  
when ever i try to open image its always open in new window . i do all step same as mention then why my images open in new window ? can any one plz help me ...
Anonymous Anonymous 6/28/2011 1:14 PM  
I am having issues with FancyZoom interfering with NextGEN Gallery. I have 20 galleries on my site and when I active FZ it converts all of the galleries to just images and when you click on a gallery it only shows the first iamge. How can I only apply this plugin to images?
Blogger silkweb 7/13/2011 12:30 PM  
I am having issues with FancyZoom interfering with NextGEN Gallery. I have 20 galleries on my site and when I active FZ it converts all of the galleries to just images and when you click on a gallery it only shows the first image. How can I only apply this plugin to images?
Blogger silkweb 7/13/2011 12:32 PM  
help me please!

You can change where the images appear instead of the center, more to the left?
Anonymous Anonymous 7/27/2011 9:19 PM  

I use the fanzyzoom in Wordpress with the infinite scroll plugin. The fancy zoom doesn't work with the loading images… do you know why?

Blogger samroud 8/18/2011 9:16 AM  
Is there a way to move the caption box to the top of the image?

Also is there an ability to toggle between a group of images?
Anonymous Dan P 9/03/2011 1:38 PM  
How to integrate this to XenForo?
Anonymous 9/16/2011 3:24 PM  
After an hour of debugging, I give up. This thing needs to be rewritten by a Javascript pro to work properly, and I'm not interested in investing that much time just for a zoomer. Better luck next time.
Anonymous Anonymous 10/19/2011 7:19 PM  

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Name:Cabel Maxfield Sasser
Job:Co-Founder, Panic Inc.
Location:Portland, OR